Sunday, September 5, 2010


As each days goes by, new technological devices are created and are introduced to the general public. One device that are often getting introduced are Cell phones. Each time that a cellphone is released, the performance and capabilities are most likely more advanced than the previous ones.

Cellphones has made it easier for us to communicate with one and another. My fears are that the use of cellphones can get out of hands with new capabilities that are added, and that we become too attach to it(not that we aren't right now). Not only will it be counter productive to our work ethic, but it can feed on to our bad habits of cellphone usage.

I believe with the amount of information that we have access to through our cell phones, it's making us more busy than we need to be. According to a recent article from the NY times it states'

"The technology makes the tiniest windows of time entertaining, and potentially productive. But scientists point to an unanticipated side effect: when people keep their brains busy with digital input, they are forfeiting downtime that could allow them to better learn and remember information, or come up with new ideas."

With this in mind, should we limit ourselves from the usage of technology ?

"Digital Devices Deprive Brain of Needed Downtime." New York Times. 24 Aug. 2010. Web. 6 Sept. 2010. .


  1. I read that article also when it was new a while ago. Can't remember when but it was recently. I'd agree with you there is improper use of cellphones, but also stated in the article a lot of people have time sensitive things and having a cell phone makes it possible. I like you brought this up, good topic!

  2. I find this very interesting, in order for your mind to grow and learn, it needs downtime. Smart phones have allowed for constant communication, and constant entertainment.
